(paraphrase from RHFAC Accessibility Assessor Training Student Guide, 2018)
info@a4d.ca | 403-304-4943 | Red Deer, AB, Canada
Access 4 Disabilities (A4D) is working to improve “the ability for anyone, regardless of physical ability, to independently and safely access the built environment based on planned inclusion.” (the Rick Hansen Foundation definition of meaningful access).
With the 2019 Accessible Canada Act (ACA) now in force across Canada, ACCESS 4 DISABILITIES is here to help organizations that wish to get a head start meeting the new accessible standards. A4D promotes the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) program and has RHFAC Professionals on our team. Through this program, A4D provides a professional voice for persons with all the diverse types of disabilities to work toward their inclusion and meaningful access to facilities, employment, education, and recreation.
Is to remove the barriers that impede persons with disabilities and give them opportunities to more in life than just leaving the house. At ACCESS 4 DISABILITIES, we want to do everything we can to improve their quality of life and give them the peace to dream for success!
According to Statistics Canada, as we age, half of us will experience a disability in our lifetime. ACCESS 4 DISABILITIES promotes Universal Design to welcome us unassisted into this time of life. We are working to educate our communities to understand what it is like to be a person with disabilities. Together we can create an inclusive environment ready to receive our diverse disabilities and abilities.
Our population with disabilities is ‘the only minority sector in the world that any person can become a member of at any time. Disabilities can result from an accident, a medical condition, or the natural outcome of ageing. Yet people living with disabilities continue to face both visible and invisible barriers. These barriers limit their access and prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in and contributing to society. Research shows that when people living with disabilities are empowered to participate fully in society, their entire community benefits.’
(paraphrase from RHFAC Accessibility Assessor Training Student Guide, 2018)
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