Subject: Alberta-bility Webinar – Is accessibility legislation needed for Albertans? – August 21, 2020
The Calgary Ability Network, Voice of Albertans with Disabilities and the Alberta Human Rights Commission have been collaborating on a project to explore whether additional provincial legislation in Alberta is necessary to complement the Accessible Canada Act to support Albertans with disabilities.
This coalition has prepared a 12 page research briefing, as well as a 2-page companion brief highlighting their findings in a concise, plain-language format, both of which are attached to this email in both PDF and Microsoft Word formats, for maximal accessibility.
A free on-line webinar panel will be hosted on August 21, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM to discuss the research findings, the current state of accessibility policy in Alberta, and support is needed for Albertans with disabilities.
Speakers will include:
Greg McMeekin, Chair of the Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities and Chair of the Calgary Ability Network Human Rights table;
Sean Crump, President of Universal Access and committee member of the Calgary Ability Network; and
Michael Gottheil, Chief of the Commission and Tribunals of the Alberta Human Rights Commission.
Topics will include:
- What does the Accessible Canada Act mean for Alberta?
- What current protections do Albertans with disabilities have?
- Should Alberta pursue provincial accessibility legislation?
For more information and to register for this free webinar, click here.”
For questions, give me a call.